Oyster Technologies understand that operations within the public sector

Oyster Technologies’ mission is to help the public sector reduce the risk of cyberattacks. Here at Oyster Technologies, we understand that operations within the public sector are required to be General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant. GDPR has become a buzz word when talking about data security and privacy. We recognize that becoming GDPR compliant is a requirement, which Oyster Technologies can help you fulfill.

To achieve GDPR compliance your systems and data must be secure. Securing the systems that hold highly sensitive information is critical, and at Oyster Technologies we provide multi-layered security to ensure the safety of your client’s sensitive data.

We provide multi-layered security to ensure the safety of your client’s sensitive data

Contrary to popular belief simply adding a layer on layer of security products to your existing infrastructure may not solve your data security issues. This is due to the core system containing exploitable vulnerabilities that require more than adding another security product to solve. We can solve those vulnerabilities for you.

Our Certified Professionals use Rapid7 InsightVM to scan, identify, and report all potential security vulnerabilities in an existing system. Symantec Patch Management, part of the Symantec IT Management suite, could then combe through your system and patch the system vulnerabilities previously identified.

Oyster Technologies have Rapid7 Certified Professionals and Symantec Certified Administrators and Implementation Experts, meaning we are capable of successfully delivering cybersecurity solutions to you.

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We offer state of the art cyber security solutions enabling you to focus

on your core business and success.